If you're overwhelmed with beginning your homeschooling journey or are struggling with what you're currently doing, you might need some support and accountability to get your homeschooling thriving.

This homeschooling clarity hour will will make your entire life feel so much lighter!

Weaving homeschooling, working and life is possible but it's not without some intentionality and careful planning, so whether you're fully committed to homeschooling and feeling overwhelmed or you're about to take the leap and need support this 1 hour clarity will help give you some direction...

Do you feel like you are crushing it at work or in business but you aren't sure how to navigate homeschooling as effectively?

Work demands a lot of your time, and on some days (okay maybe on most days) you enjoy your job more than homeschooling.

You gravitate towards an unschooling lifestyle because it's easier to let the kids "learn through life" but you struggle with implementation.

You feel like your kids are getting what's leftover of you and you're tired of feeling overwhelmed and guilt ridden.

You desperately want to create a work/homeschooling/life balance but it's hard to do so when everything feels like a priority.

You feel like you don't have enough time to homeschool well and you need help!!

You're unsure about curriculum, scheduling, and how this all actually works together.

Have we met?

I'm Jackie, a busy homeschooling mom and wife, owner of Whole 9 Family and the host of the Simply Freeing Podcast. I am a former NYC public school elementary gen. ed. teacher with a masters degree in special ed. I have a certificate in counseling and I have been homeschooling for over 11 years. I have 4 children between the ages of three and fourteen.

I struggled for years in homeschooling and finally feel at peace during the day. You can have this too!

I've overcome a ton of mindset blocks and can help you stop the cycle of self-sabotage homeschooling (work at home) mom's often find themselves in. This takes time, patience and practice.

Homeschooling Clarity Session

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a clarity call.